Valid8 MCPTT Testing Part of ETSI MCX Plugtests Event

Valid8 was honored to be a participating vendor at the 4th ETSI MCX PlugtestsTM event from September 23 - 27 at the Savonia University of Applied Sciences, KUOPIO, FINLAND. This fourth MCX Plugtests was organized by ETSI in partnership with Erillisverkot (State Security Networks Group Finland) with the support of TCCA and the European Commission. The tests concluded with a success rate of 95% of the executed tests in the validation of 3GPP mission critical services vendor interoperability.

Along with radio equipment providers and other technology vendors, Valid8 was part of the trials of the Mission Critical communication chains, with an emphasis on "the interoperability of a variety of implementations using different scenarios based on 3GPP Mission Critical Services in Release 14." 

Public safety organizations need to be confident that equipment designed to support the MCPTT standard are capable of handling the volume of traffic that may occur during an unexpected emergency event. This means that testing of the equipment must include simulating the variety of mobile radios and other devices that could potentially overwhelm the network.

According to the official ETSI announcement, "More than 1800 tests were executed between the different vendors in more than 210 test sessions." 

Valid8 has the capability of testing P25 ISS/CSSI and LTE MCX together in a single solution. The testing technology offers the flexibility of deployment through hardware provided by Valid8 or through a virtual machine (VM) deployment. The solution leverages Valid8’s proven expertise for performance, conformance and load testing in telecommunication.

Learn more about the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and the mission critical Plugtests event at

Learn more about Valid8's MCPTT Load Tester.

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