The Problem

After decades as engineers in the testing world, Valid8 has seen inflexible, overpriced testing tools become the status quo. The focus has shifted from helping clients solve their testing problems to selling them a box.

Many QA Engineers have come to Valid8 exasperated over the years, and the story usually goes something like this:

QA Engineer:
I bought the testing tool from a large incumbent testing company. The price was astronomical. I've blown almost my entire testing budget on just buying the unit.
Valid8 Engineer:
How is the tool working for your team?
QA Engineer:
I feel like maybe it's overkill for what we needed. It has a ton of functionality, but most of it doesn't apply to us and it's been complicated to use.
Valid8 Engineer:
What are you trying to solve for on your end?
QA Engineer:
We need to test load and conformance for our new ABC, which is a bit unique. But the tool doesn't cover that specifically. We've asked for their help customizing the tool for our needs but they're unwilling to do that just for us.
Valid8 Engineer:
I have some ideas on how to accomplish what you need. Give me a call and we'll sort it out together.

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1 Minute Video

The Chief Technical Officer Discusses The Problem

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